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All CollectionsNonprofit OrganizationsScheduling & Conducting Calls
(For Organizations) I Missed or Couldn't Connect on My Call
(For Organizations) I Missed or Couldn't Connect on My Call

Get back on track after a missed/disconnected project interview or 1-hour phone call.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a year ago

So you missed or couldn't connect on your call - now what? No need to worry! One of the following scenarios should be able to help you access your call or reschedule it!

Project Interviews or Calls: Within Scheduled Call Time

If you heard your phone ring but weren't able to pick up the call, you can call back into the meeting using the dial-in and PIN provided on your dashboard.

After Scheduled Call Time 

In the event that your call time has passed and you need to reschedule, you can propose new times directly within your dashboard. Just scroll to the correct project and select Reschedule to propose alternate times. Don't forget - you'll need to send at least 5 options to successfully reschedule.

You can also directly message your Volunteer through your dashboard to check in with them and make sure they didn't encounter any issues connecting. If you do end up reconnecting offline, don't forget to come back to your dashboard and either start your project, pass on the Volunteer's application, or mark your call as complete!

Missed 1-Hour Phone Calls

If you couldn't connect on your 1-hour phone call, you can call back in using the phone number and PIN located at the bottom of your call on your dashboard.

Phone calls are automatically marked as complete following your scheduled call time, so if you missed your call time completely, please be sure to reach out to your Volunteer. In the event you are having difficulties rescheduling, please reach out to our team using the blue chat bubble at the bottom-right of your screen (for keyboard-only and screen-reader users, please email us at [email protected]).

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