Once you start reviewing applications, you might find that an applicant isn't a good fit for the project or that you simply prefer to work with one of your other applicants. No problem!
Passing on an Applicant
To pass on a Volunteer, go to their application on your Catchafire dashboard, select "Review Application," and select "Pass."
When you pass on a Volunteer, we'll ask you for some information to better understand why they weren't the right fit - this helps us further improve our algorithms and better support you in the matching process moving forward.
Don't worry - this information does not get sent to the Volunteer. Instead, the Volunteer receives a very kind automated email and message on their dashboard from Catchafire explaining that they were not selected for your particular project.
Tip: Even if you only have one application, if you know the Volunteer isn't a good fit, please pass on them. Promptly passing on an application increases their chances of working with another nonprofit in our community.ย