One way Catchafire communicates the short-term impact is through an estimate of the value created through each engagement. Learn more about how we calculate the short-term dollar value that each engagement provides below.
How we Calculate Project Value
We calculate the short-term dollar value of a Catchafire volunteer engagement through the following:
An hourly rate and estimated hours that accurately reflects the skills and time donated by our pro bono professionals
An estimated and validated cost for project scoping
An estimated and validated cost for talent sourcing
As a result, we’ve seen an average increase in dollar value of 55% for projects and 79% for phone calls. We believe this new methodology better reflects the true value that pro bono professionals provide — and Organizations receive — when getting work done through Catchafire.
How to Share Your Success
Volunteers: Don't be shy - share the value you've contributed to nonprofits with your network! To do so, simply go to your dashboard and select the "Share on LinkedIn" option. Your network will then get to see a summary of the fantastic work you did!
Nonprofits: You can always view the Impact Story of your project, which includes the assessment of its estimated dollar value, on your project page! To browse more Impact Stories from the Catchafire community, check out our Impact Page.